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"The Wedding Sitter Vision”
About Wedding Sitter
Wedding Sitter, a premiere on-site wedding and event childcare service. Not just any babysitting service, Wedding Sitter is the solution for your special event. We specialize in creating a classy, chic, fun, safe and fully supervised environment on-site at your event. Wedding Sitter ensures you have a “baby and child-friendly” event for ALL ages (Newborn-Teen). We Engage, Entertain, and Play, Just A Room Away!
Wedding Sitter Is All About The Fun And Detail
Our professional and trusted sitter team works directly with the top Wedding and Event Planners, Corporate Companies, Caterers, Hotels, Event Venues and Destination Services around.
Our expertise is weddings and social events of ALL KINDS for all occasions!
Have No Fear Wedding Sitter Is Here!
We are the answer to the couples question for including children in your final headcount.
We want your Guests and out-of-town Guests to be comfortable and relaxed while attending your special day, knowing their children are nearby and in trusted hands.
Our team goal is to work with you to make your job easier while you attend to the rest of the details.
We are deeply devoted to providing a welcome relief to couples, event hosts, parents, Guests with children, event planners, companies, venue and hotel coordinators.
We strive to make sure our clients feel confident and their guests with children are rest assured that their children are safe and happy, by providing a FUN experience for ALL!
Wedding Sitter Team
“Not Just Any Babysitting Service, Wedding Sitter is the solution to including your little guests - Just A Room Away On Your Special Day!”
"Keeping The Event Classy & Chic- Solution For Including the Children In Your RSVP"
Wedding Sitter Founder and CEO, Jessica Williams-Flores has over 25+ years of experience working in Childcare and the Wedding and Event planning industry.
Los Angeles based, Wife and Mother of two children, has served in every bridal party and social event capacity for ALL kinds of events.
"In planning my own wedding, I really wanted an Adult-Only event and wanted my guests to enjoy our reception. After having children of my own, working as a floral event designer for weddings, attending many weddings and social events as a guest, I realized there was a need for this service and I wanted to create a solution to keeping the event classy, having your guests with children included and able to attend this momentous occasion.
Wedding Sitter Was Born!
All of my experience came together organically to pioneer and create this unique need and service to the wedding and event industry, over eleven years ago in 2008.
Wedding Sitter was created out of my passion for weddings, parties, and children.
"I LOVE parties, gatherings, themes, design and being part of the event team, working together to make the event MAGICAL for ALL!
We have so much fun supervising and entertaining the little guests! Seeing the excitement on the little guests, parents, clients, and event planners faces gives me so much JOY and this is why I absolutely LOVE what we do! "
Jessica Williams-Flores
WEDDING SITTER Founder/CEO & Event Director
Victoria has been with Wedding Sitter from the beginning working as Head Sitter from our first event over 12+ years ago.
Victoria and Founder/Owner of Wedding Sitter, Jessica have been long time friends for over 30 years meeting their sophomore year of High School.
Victoria is a Mother of three and Grandmother too!
"“ I LOVE working weddings and events! I am passionate about hiring and working with our sitter team to create a playful, safe, and entertaining experience for every event!"
Victoria Monroe
WEDDING SITTER | Sitter Human Resource Director
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